Junior High – 6th to 8th Grade
Youth 6th – 8th grade meet twice a month on Wednesday evenings during the school year from 7:00 – 8:30pm at the church. They have Bible study nights along with fun filled activities such as gym nights, picnics, retreats, and service projects. Summer activities are also planned. If you are interested in learning more about this awesome group or their summer activities, contact our youth pastor, Eric!
Senior High Youth – 9th to 12th Grade
Youth in 9th to 12th grade meets every Wednesday evening all year from 7:00-8:30pm. They have Bible studies along with fun activities. The youth enjoy weekend retreats and a summer mission trip. All youth are invited to come, enjoy the fellowship and have fun while digging deeper into God’s Word!

Contact our Associate/Youth Pastor,
Eric Herr for more info! 717-464-2422 ext.4 or
Knowing God’s Word >
There are many facets to our faith, many ways we experience God. But His Word is so very vital to our understanding of Him. A knowledge or understanding of God is the foundation of our faith and that is important to our ministry. It is possible, due to innovative technology, to witness without actually knowing the Gospel, but maybe we should learn it ourselves. This humorous video illustration will make you laugh… and think!
“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword..!” –Hebrews 4:12
A funny look at the importance of knowing God’s word.
Missions Trips
A great part of this youth ministry is the privilege we have to serve in Missions Trips every summer. We alter every other year – one year is local, the next year is foreign. This has really been an integral part of our youth experience as it really helps to open our eyes to the magnitude of God’s creation and the realities of the world that we live in. It is easy for us to get comfortable in our American “bubble”; these missions trips not only expand our worldview but plant seeds in the hearts of these youth for years to come – giving them a window into what it’s like to serve in missions. We’ve had the honor of serving alongside some amazing ministries and have seen God move in ways far beyond what we could’ve imagined. Our heart is ultimately to “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; making known among the nations what He has done.” (Psalm 105:1)
2010 – Haiti
2011 – New York City
2012 – Brazil
2013 – Philadelphia
2014 – Guatemala
2015 – Michigan
2016 – Haiti
2018 – Mexico
2021 – Guatamala
2022 – Himalayas