Pre-register with Deb Hershey at dhershey1216@gmail.com.
Held here at WSMC from 9:30-11:30am. Children up to grade 2 and their parents/guardians are invited. We are partnering once again with LCOB. See flyer for details!
We will share a simple meal, communion, and worship together. Sit wherever you like or together as families. Children in kindergarten and up are welcome. To sign up for infant through preschool childcare, contact Deb Hershey. Following the service, designated rooms will be prepared for those desiring to stay for foot washing.
7:30am – Sonrise Service followed by Breakfast, both at Lampeter Church of the Brethren (all indoors)
9:00am – Sunday School at WSMC (The Brick Café 8:15-9am)
10:15am – Worship Service at WSMC (No Children’s Church)